Ok ok, I've rubbed my eyes and stopped hitting the snooze alarm on 2012. We all should be done scratching out 2011 whenever we write the date any where . The covers are pulled back and I've awakened to what's new in brows. There's allot to cover; how the runway did it, the hot prod, how it's done right, how it's done wrong and how to do it for less.
How now down brow, need a lift?
My goodness how we've, ahem, grown from the micro brow days of yore to the spawning of Joan Crawford's and Frida Khalo's eyebrows on our faces! Thank Buddha for that too because this eyebrow obsessed lady is all for big beautiful brows. A fuller eyebrow represents drama and elegance. There is something about the strength an eyebrow can bring to a face, perfect for naming the look "power brow"
Nars, Maybeline and MAC, were all gettin down with brows on the runway at New York's fashion week.
The hot prod.
In a world of pencil and powders Makeup Forever has introduced a cream and it's waterproof! Go to Sephora and have them match your color.
If you're desperate and about to grab a Sharpie and join an East LA gang, stop and go to Browz.com to order yourself brow wigs. $31.95. Just be careful to follow the instructions and adhere those puppies on tight! There is no need to look like Stan Sitwell from Arrested Development!
How it's done right. (Donna Karen S/S show)
See how her brows begin in alignment with her tear ducts down to the outer edge of the nose. The highest point of the arch is after the iris, but most importantly the brow is parallel from start to finish.
How it's done wrong
Scouse brow inferno!!! A "Scouser" is someone from the Liverpool area in England and the world became aware of the Scouse Brow on the premiere episode of the UK reality version of Desperate "Scousewives" (zing!). A cast member (Jodie Lundstram) did this to the model above. To each their own I guess, but if you're going for beauty that consists of balance, this is not your look. Note how the brow starts off super thick and then trails into nothingness. They've turned into little cornucopias of mixed expression. The front parts of the eyebrows are highest point of the brow giving a worried look but also go lower then the end point giving an angry look. This brow is it's own Escher drawing!
How to do it for less.
Let me introduce you to the eyebrow studio. The photo above is of Vanity Cosmetics in Sherman Oaks, CA. Los Angeles has many awesomely trained face scapers at places like Vanity(tweeze/thread), Chroma Makeup Studio(tweeze/thread), Senna Cosmetics(tweeze/thread), Billion Dollar Brows(wax) or Damone Roberts(wax). Anastacia(wax) is here and so many more. GO TO THESE TYPES OF PLACES!!! Stop going to the threading kiosks at the mall, over tweezing them yourself or having your manicurist wax off half of your eyebrow for "fy dolla ma" Your facialist or body waxer is not always the best bet either, invest in a true shaping from someone specifically trained in eyebrows, even the people from a Benefit Brow Bar are a better choice. You will end up saving on all of the Latisse and Revitalash to help grow out all of the hair that got taken out and isn't ready to grow back.
All of the high end product lines offer amazing tools for filling in your eyebrows. One pencil can run you up into the 20 dollar mark. Ouch! Here's what you need and where get the best products for the lowest price.
A spoolie brush and an angle brush
The angle brush applies the powder, the spoolie brushes the brow and blends the color (whether it's by pencil or powder) into a softer look. You can go ghetto and grab a few disposable spoolies from the tester area at the makeup counter or just add a touch of class and put down a few bucks for your own like this duo from Ardell for under five bucks!
Brow Gel
Brow gel keeps unruly hairs in place and adds to the fullness effect. Prestige's brow gel for $7.50. It has fibers in it to boost those babies! They have a clear for $6.50. E.L.F. has theirs for $3.00
Pencils and Powders and Waxes Oh MY!
$3-$4 with a harder edge so that it sketches on smooth. Quick, soft strokes then blend upward with your spoolie brush. When you are seriously void of hair, a pencil is more useful that powder.
NYX's Eyebrow Cake Powder will take you back around $6. A powder is a light feathery natural way to fill in your sparse patches.
E.l.f. is also in the six dollar range and sets your brows nicely! Definitely invest in the seperate spoolie and angle brushes. All of these kits offer you tiny versions of of what you really need. I always end up throwing them away.
If you can afford the higher end luxury versions then get em, but if you're looking for glamour on a budget go for these awesome alternatives.
Alright guys, we're in full swing with our 2012 brows. To recap, brows are full and heavier than they ever were. There are an ever growing roster of hot and not products coming out. We have unleashed the Scouse Brow beast and learned how to avoid it for less. Remember, book with a professional, any of the aforementioned or myself ; P I leave you now with my favorite modern brow icon, Jennifer Connelly.
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