These are the people that rock my world! Eyebrows that are awe striking and OMG WTF was that?"" inducing! Here are some fun interpretations of eyebrows and a few tips on keeping the frame of your face showing off the beautiful art work of you!!! Tell me which ones are your favsies!! 
Let's take a look at a symetrical eyebrow shape. Looking good is based on symetry and balance. It's science yo!
Smoldering! His brows would fail what I call the sweater test. If I brushed them down (put the sweater on) the hair would cover his eyes like a wheaton terrier. Damn I want to thread that middle sooo bad!
I'd have to get seriously Edward Scissor Hands on this right here!
What did his eyebrows ever do to him huh? Brows like this make his eyes even closer together. Tsk tsk tsk!
I don't even believe these are shaved off. This girl knows what's up right? She really wakes up very early every morning to seal and cover her brows with liquid latex yeah? Glue stick? No one would ever SERIOUSLY do this right?
Can these girls rock me any harder??? This is how they "jump you in"
Ok so maybe it was botox gone askew. What can we do to even these puppies out? First we have to pick the one that we like better, ok um.......Well let's start actually with the the one we can most like make more like it's sister. The one on her right will have to come down and the left one we would have to attepmt to arch up a bit. If you have an enveveness problem by all means BOOK with me now. These are my favorite types of eyebrows to play with!!!!!
Collin's got a bit of an unveneness problem as well. Of course thick gorgeous brows are coveted and they're most people's "thing" and reason why they don't get them done, but COME ON!!!!! One is clearly bigger than it's polio stricken lil bro. Collin, book with me STAT!!
Oh Brokki poo, yes you're known for your bodacious brows but who was this makeup artist that didnt notice the uneven moves these bad boys were making? I would just slightly grind down a smidge the front part of her right brow. Voila! They aren't thinner or compromising of the shape! BAMN!
You know what? I embrace this eye brow look. Do what makes you feel good. But if having these brows and swimming are your thing, you can never have both : (
I love him! His brows are so very ",broken handle off of a 1950's kitchen silverware drawer." Those things are perfect for opening beers if you've lost an opener! My favoie thing is his blonde roots growing out. Respect him people. He has to really work at this look!
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