Man O man!! Just where to begin sending all of the gratitude and love and excitement for the powerhouse of amazing creatives that I have gotten to work with this past month! As a makeup artist in LA, my mind is perma blown at the inspiring, seemingly random road this career has taken me!
Let's start from the beginning, which is always downtown, where most of my shoots take place Above is a night shoot location high atop China town!
Next up! Hyundai Spec!
My sweet lil gal pall Miss Perto Rico 2010 Mariana Vicente called me up to bring me into the family or at least I felt that way after spending some time in the inner circle of these LA based boricuas. Her friend Javier Bermudez is an award winning editor who has worked on such films as X-Men and Alice In Wonderland. Javier has been in the works honing his skills as a director and was putting together a spec commercial a la James Bond for Hyundai.Javier and his wife Vanessa have Lala and Koji. After some FB stalking I discovered that these babies get abused! See below!
Poor babies! ; )
More of my lovely city!
Moving on down the road to Artest Media Group (headed by Ron Artest aka Metta World Peace) artist Vinita! It was full on hair for her video "Take Me For One Night" me which was the first time I'd been on a set where I wasn't doing makeup!
The cool thing about my "job" is the cool places I get to go and the cool people that I get to meet. Last month I had worked allot with TJR Films while they were working on hip hop artiste Mann's video "4:00am", but I didn't get to meet him and a few other cool cats until this particular shoot.
This here is Jason Mizell (Jam Master J's son) DJ for Mann and the cutest smile EVER!!
Makeup artist, Marisa Anhaltzer and stylist, Diandra Barnwell
Let's move on to more randomness!
I met Uriah Carr, a photographer, almost two years ago when I did the makeup for the cosplay group Alt+3rR0R LA. When I saw how much fun they were having I wanted to play too and there I was, modeling in a fish net body suit and a blue wig.
Needless to say, he remembered the MUA and contacted me to do his short film "Frozen Voltage". It's about two young lovers hashing out their relationship woes after finding themselves stranded in the snow post car accident.
Taking a break from makeup-
I'm also an affiliate of downtown's Opulen Studios and Showroom head quarters of celebrity stylist Mr Bradshaw and Lucratif clothing. From photoshoots to fashion events, Opulen celebrated their one year anniversary in style! Book your studio time here, these are some great people to work with!
Here are some random acts of beauty before sharing with you the deets on one gig that will stand out in my memory for a long time purely based on it's over the top girl powerness!!
Braids n Brows!
In order to preface how excited I was about working with this next inspirational gal you have GOT to check out some of her work. The following three images are photographed by the other worldly talent of Sarah Sitkin, each photo will link you to a different article to show you the buzz surrounding this artist from outer space!

When I got the email to join her on the music video she's creating for Little Red Lung, I giggled with delight at the thought of the mess we were going to make!
This gal to the left was born at the hands of Miss Sitkin, She is an amazing replica of Zoe Erwin, front woman of Little Red Lung and a photographer herself!! Sarah made these epic root fingers that I applied, blended and painted
Breakcore belting
Basek with his new soccer tail
Jen Spazmaster, LANCER Radio's DJing diva
met Little Red Lung when she interviewed them for her show
Charlene Huang, has played violin with the likes of Adele but also yours truly Little Red Lung. She hung out with us and stayed the whole night helping out!
Adam Deal is Zoe's fiance and another very talented artist, check out his stuff!
Here's Sarah directing this symphony of a music video.
David Tamargo
yet another sick artist rocking out behind the scenes.
A few days later I joined forces again with Sarah but this time for a girls night photo shoot. These "girls" however happen to be on the cutting edge of each of their fields, and I don't think I've ever used the word "legit"more to describe such a group of rock and rollers!!
Laura Escudé is a music, technological, mayhem maestro for the likes of Kanye West, M83 & Bon Iver and is currently breaking out hard core with her alter ego, Alluxe!
We took Laura out of her comfort zone and transformed her in to the electronic music superhero! These lashes were ready for the job.
We ran through a few looks. The bling dice we ended up not using, but which we all tried on as well ass the hard core neck piece from Lace by Tanya
Ok, we all got settled in and the magic started and here's what I came up with for her hair and makeup. I kept the back as was when Laura arrived and shredded the top out. We chomped the lashes and monochromized the lip and brow area to make Laura the brains to the face of Alluxe
(left) Chynna Monforte, Sarah's right hand gal with her pretty blonde hair!! (above) stylist Esther Yoon flashes me a grin as Cathleen Cher,(below)over sees the radness! Esther just styled and Cathleen just produced Polica's music video "Wandering Star"
It was time to soften Laura's look for the second act.
Nika Offenbac (right) is a director of everything from documentaries "Small Small Thing"and music videos to the visual show for Skrillex's 2012 tour. She provided such a cool element to the crew and offered up her vast capabilities to create an Alluxe promo vid clip. I cannot wait to see what Sarah's photography and Nika's video turn out like!!!

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